- May 31, 2023: NYSDOH Health Advisory: ACUTE FLACCID MYELITIS
- AFM Investigation, CDC
- November 19, 2018: NYS Health Advisory, Accute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)
February 3, 2025: Health Advisory: Accelerated Subtyping of Influenza A in Hospitalized Patients
Latest NYS guidance, visit Avian Influnza Guidance for Clinicians
Be sure to review CDC Breaking News in addition to what is listed below.
Latest NYS guidance, visit Novel Coronavirus Information for Providers
Latest CDC guidance, visit Healthcare Provider Guidance on Novel Coronavirus
WCDH Public Health Updates:
- NEW February 20, 2024: Health Advisory: COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment Underutilization and Changes in how to Access Medications with Commercialization of Oral Anti-Virals
- February 27, 2023: Prescribe COVID-19 Therapeutics To Prevent Severe Disease, Hospitalization & Death (WCDH)
- January 4, 2022: NYSDOH Interim Updated Isolation & Quarantine Guidance
- January 4, 2022: NYSDOH Interim Advisory on Return-to-Work Protocols for Personnel with SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in Healthcare Settings
- September 27, 2021: Health Advisory: Booster dosing of Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after an initial 2-dose Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine series (NYSDOH)
- July 8, 2021: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in BIPOC Communities — Toward Trustworthiness, Partnership, and Reciprocity (The New England Journal of Medicine)
- May 13, 2021: COVID Antigen test FAQs (NYSDOH)
- March 10, 2021: Update: Health Advisory:Quarantine for Community Persons Exposed to COVID-19
- March 10, 2021: UPDATE to Interim Health Advisory: Revised Protocols for Personnel in Healthcare and Other Direct Care Settings to Return to Work Following COVID-19 Exposure – Including Quarantine and Furlough Requirements for Different Healthcare Settings
- December 21, 2020: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Quarantine Duration
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (CDC)
January 19, 2022: MMWR article: COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Previous COVID-19 Diagnosis - California and New York, May - November 2021
High Advisory Message from CDC
April 13, 2021: Important message from CDC regarding Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
High Risk Sports
- Returning to Play Ater Coronavirus Infection: Pediatric Cardioligists' Perspective
- Algorithm for Returning to Play After Covid-19 Infection in Pediatric Patients
Attention Physicians Treating Patients with COVID-19
- Physicians and health care facilities interested in treating patients with convalescent plasma should visit the New York Blood Center Website.This product is ordered like other blood products.
- The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) has published recommendations related to seven investigational interventions and convalescent plasma treatment that could potentially benefit COVID-19 positive patients. For more information about these interventions, as well as registries for patients to receive treatments that are not yet FDA approved, view the Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines on the Treatment and Management of Patients with COVID-19.
- Physicians who wish to gain access or learn more about investigative trials for COVID-19 can visit the National Institute of Health Clinical Trials Website.
Reporting Form for COVID-19
- COVID-19 Reporting Fillable Form (WCDOH)
January 2022 - Quarantine and Isolation Protocols:
- July 10, 2020: WCDH Public Health Update: 2019 Novel Coronavirus Patient Testing Isolation/Quarantine Guidance & Flyers - Point of Care Testing Reporting Requirements
- June 10, 2020: Routine Immunization Guidance during the COVID-19 Pandemic (WCDOH)
- May 31, 2020: NYSDOH Updated Interim Guidance: Protocol for COVID-19 Testing Applicable to All Health Care Providers and Local Health Departments
- May 30, 2020: NYSDOH Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Home Isolation for Persons with COVID-19
- May 13, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome Temporally Associated With COVID-19 Interim Case Definition In New York State
- May 7, 2020: WCDOH Public Health Update: COVID-19 Revised Isolation Guidance and Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory (Kawasaki-Like, Toxic Shock-Like) Syndrome
- April 30, 2020: WCDOH Public Health Update: COVID-19 Serology Testing
- April 30, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Reporting Requirements for All Laboratory Results for SARS-CoV-2, Including all Molecular, Antigen, and Serological Tests (including “Rapid” Tests) and Ensuring Complete Reporting of Patient Demographics
- April 27, 2020: WCDH Public Health Update: 2019 NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Antibody/Serology Testing -Updated Guidance
- April 19, 2020: NYSDOH, Health Advisory: Discontinuation of Isolation for Patients with COVID-19 Who Are Hospitalized or in Nursing Homes, Adult Care Homes, or Other Congregate Settings with Vulnerable Residents.
- April 2, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Options when Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is in Short Supply or Not Available.
- April 1, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Update on Specimen Collection and Handling to Allow Nasal Swab AND Saliva Specimen as Acceptable Alternative Specimen Collection
- March 20, 2020: WCHD Public Health Update - COVID-19, Healthcare Workers and Lap Testing - Updated Gudance.
- March 17, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Update on Specimen Collection Guidance to Collect Nasopharyngeal Swab Only.
- March 16, 2020: WCHD Health Commissioner, Sherlita Amler, MD., letter to Providers and Self-Quarantine Guidelines.
- March 5, 2020: WCDOH Public Health Alert: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) CDC Updated Guidance, Patient Questionnaire
- Feb. 29, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Identification and Testing of COVID-19 Persons Under Investigation (PUIs)
- Feb 14, 2020: Public Health Update: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID10) Notify Westchester County DOH of Possible Cases
- Feb. 3, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Update and Interim Guidance on the Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
- Flowchart to Identify and Assess 2019 Novel Coronavirus (CDC)
- Jan. 31, 2019: CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus Updated Clinical Guidance and PUI Definition:
- Jan. 17, 2020: NYSDOH Health Advisory: Interim Guidance for Healthcare Providers and Facilities in New York State on the Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
NYS Health Advisory: Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (Sudan ebolavirus) in Central Uganda 10-7-22
- Immediately notify the Westchester County Department of Health (914) 813-5000, 24 hours, 7 days a week, of any such individuals.
- Isolate patients who report a travel history to an Ebola-affected country and who are exhibiting Ebola symptoms in a private room with a private bathroom and use PPE as per the most current CDC and NYSDOH guidance;
- Routinely obtain country-specific travel information to Ebola affected areas in the 21 days before illness onset for any patient presenting with fever or other symptoms consistent with Ebola and ensure that this is communicated to all relevant staff;
- Ebola Screening Algorithm for Emergency Department Settings (CDC 3/10/15)
- Temperature monitoring log (WCDOH)
- Patient Care and Ebola (WCDOH)