Got Heat?In accordance with the International Property Maintenance code, Section 602.3, heat at a temperature of 68°F, regardless of outdoor temperature, must be supplied from Sept. 15 through May 31 to tenants in multiple dwellings. The exception to this is when the outdoor temperature is below the winter outdoor design temperature for the locality, (15°F for Westchester County, NY), then maintenance of the minimum room temperature is not required, provided that the heating system is operating at its full design capacity.

Tenants/occupants should speak to their building manager or landlord first to try to resolve any landlord-tenant complaints they have. If this does not lead to a resolution, contact your local town/city building department.

Residents who are eligible can receive financial help to heat their homes this winter. To find out more about eligibility, call United Way's 2-1-1 or the Department of Social Services at 995-3333. You may also check your eligibility by going to  Applications can be downloaded from the Department of Social Services’ Website.