This health Web page is designed to help women stay healthy for life. You can read all about the topics below on the Women's Health Topics A - Z page.
What can you do to stay healthy and prevent disease? You can get certain screening tests, take preventive medicine if you need it and practice healthy behaviors.

What You Need and When You Need It
Routine physical exams are an important part of keeping healthy for any woman. Screening tests, such as mammograms and Pap tests, can help find diseases early when they are easier to treat. Some women need certain screening tests earlier, or more often, than others. Talk with your doctor about which tests are right for you. Here are some recommendations but your doctor can help you decide what tests you should have, when you should have them and how often.

Young Adults 19-39 years
These are the main reproductive years. Patterns of health you set now may affect your health and well being in later years. Subjects you might want to discuss with your health care provider could include:

  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Tobacco/alcohol/drug use
  • Sexual health/and gynecological exam
  • Breast screenings and examination cancer screenings
  • Healthy heart behaviors
  • Immunizations
  • Complete skin examination and protection from ultraviolet light
  • Injury prevention 
  • Dental/oral health
  • Emotional health

Depending on your personal and family history certain urine and blood tests may be indicated. Frankness with you health care provider can help him/her with these decisions. 
Adults  40-64 years
You are in the prime of life. It is important that you take advantage of regular screening checks. Some of these may now be applicable. Take advantage of every opportunity to improve your health to increase your longevity. Subjects you might want to discuss with your health care provider could include:

  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Tobacco/alcohol/drug use
  • Sexual practices and gynecological exam
  • Complete skin exam/protection against ultraviolet light
  • Dental/oral health
  • Heart healthy behaviors
  • Hearing/vision
  • Immunizations
  • Injury prevention
  • Cancer screening: breast, ovarian, colorectal
  • Diabetes screening 

Depending on your personal and family history other tests may be indicated. Frankness with your health care provider can help him or her advise you. 

You can read all about these topics on the Women's Health Topics A - Z page.