Records Requests

All record requests for the Westchester County Health Department must be submitted in writing. You can expect to receive an acknowledgment of your request within 5 business days, and most requests will be fulfilled within 20 more business days. Please include your email address and telephone number in your request, so that we can email records to you and reach you if we have any questions.

To review records in person, please make a request in writing via email, fax or mail and provide a daytime phone number where you can be reached to arrange an appointment once the records are available. All requests may be emailed to, faxed to (914) 813-5014. They may be submitted online or mailed to:

Records Access Officer
Westchester County Department of Health
145 Huguenot Street, 7th floor
New Rochelle, NY 10801

Please state the address for which you're seeking records, and describe the type of records you're seeking.

You will receive an acknowledgement of your request, with a reference number. Please use that number in any future correspondence with us.

Restaurant, Mobile Food Carts, Deli Inspection Reports
Did you know that there are about 4,000 establishments serving food in Westchester County, including restaurants, mobile food carts and deli's? The Westchester County Health Department inspects these establishments and those inspections can be viewed and downloaded.

Septic System and Well Records

Another office handles septic system records. For a copy of the full septic system records on a given property, complete this sketch request form. Fill in as much of the requested information on the form as possible, print out and email to or fax to (914) 864-7341. The municipality's tax assessor and/or the building department can assist you in securing this information. Of importance are the:

  • address
  • tax map designation of the lot (some municipalities have multiple TMD)
  • municipality
  • year the house was built
  • dates of any additions (bedrooms) to house

Remember to provide a daytime phone number so we can call you with any questions. For further assistance, call (914) 864-7333.


Medical Records
For a copy of your or your child's Health Department medical records, privacy laws require that you submit a signed HIPAA-compliant "Authorization Form to Release Health Information" available here in English (fillable pdf form and nonfillable pdf form), Español (formulario pdf nonfillable). To leave a message for the records access officer, call ( 914) 813-5004.

There is a 25-cent, per-page fee for copying most records, but there is no charge to e-mail records that do not require copying or redacting. Copies of medical records cost 75 cents per page. You also have the right to review the records, by appointment, and can then request copies be made for you. Depending on the volume of copies you request and our workflow, copies may be mailed to you at a later date, if they cannot be provided to you at that time.

Once the records are ready, if copies cost less than $3, the Health Department will send them to you at no charge. If copies cost $3 or more, the Health Department will inform you of the cost, and payment must be received in the Records Access Office before copies will be sent.

Please note the FOIL Request Number on the face of your check so we can track your payment and locate the records you've requested. You will also be asked to provide the FOIL Request Number in any telephone inquiries you make.

Checks are to be made payable to the Westchester County Department of Health and mailed to:
Records Access Office
Westchester County Department of Health
145 Huguenot Street, 7th Floor
New Rochelle, NY 10801